Is STRATEGY a dirty word?

On average I spend more than 60% of my week helping clients who are not getting the most out of their CRM Platform.

At first I was shocked by the stories, the level of investment and the failings.

In most cases, clients have put technology first. And in doing so have allowed skilled sales people representing amazing platforms to sell them the dream. Excited and dazzled by the endless possibilities a purchase is made, and a platform is implemented.

But in 90% of cases, the reason CRM platforms are not delivering against expectations is because businesses don’t have a customer strategy or an implementation plan.

And the reason they don’t have a strategy is because they don’t have the skills internally, yet they also don’t want to pay for a strategy.

Why is it that companies won’t pay for strategy,? They will invest tens of thousands, (sometimes hundreds of thousands) in a tech stack but don’t have a plan on how they will make it work?

Even though a strategy would focus efforts, reduce development costs and reduce consultants fees, many businesses don’t want to pay for it.

So has strategy become a dirty word? I’d love your thoughts on this.